May 16 - 18, 2012

Rick Yune, CGDC Honorary Board Member, Actor, and Entrepreneur Supports CGDC Annual Meeting 2012

After enjoying his first traditional Austrian meal, Mr. Yune threw himself into a round of interviews with TV stations and newspapers. Rick Yunes’ commitment to the CGDC as an honorary board member was inspired by a meeting with the organization’s founder, Mr. Stamen Stantchev. The two men soon realized that they shared an experience: they both had helped friends, who were in serious trouble, by engaging in dialogue and fighting for justice.
October 10, 2011

Working Visit of President Petar Stoyanov to Azerbaijan

Upon the invitation of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation – CGDC Petar Stoyanov arrived in Baku on the 10th of October, to participate in the International Humanitarian Forum “XXI Century: Hopes and Challenges” and to give a speech on the problems and achievements of multiculturalism.
October 5, 2011

Secretary General Stamen Stantchev welcomed CGDC Scholarship recepients at Modul University

Secretary General Stamen Stantchev welcomed new international students to the Public and Governance Program on the MODUL University Vienna Orientation Day held on the 5th of October 2011. As part of the Clinton Global Initiative Commitment, the Centre for Global Dialogue and Cooperation – CGDC provides 13 scholarships for the next five academic programs.
September, 2011

President and Secretary General of CGDC attended the CGI Annual Meeting 2011

President of the Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation – CGDC Petar Stoyanov and Secretary General Stamen Stantchev attended the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting held 20-22 September 2011 in New York. President Clinton warmly welcomed President Petar Stoyanov and Secretary General Stamen Stantchev, and once again underlined the importance of building strong collaboration between the CGI and the CGDC.
August, 2011

CGDC visits the BiH Presidency

In August Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina H.E. Bakir Izetbegovic received President Petar Stoyanov and the Secretary General Stamen Stantchev.
May, 2011

Annual CGDC Award presented to General Wesley K. Clark and Angelina Jolie guided by the belief “The energy of mind is the essence of CGDC”

We recognize General Clark for his outstanding service and commitment to ENHANCING MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND DIALOGUE AMONGST DIVERSE PEOPLE and award Angelina Jolie in recognition for her contributions to ENHANCING INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE with our Annual CGDC Award.