December 4, 2013
4th December 2013, Palais Liechtenstein, Vienna, the 3rd CGDC Annual Meeting 2013 closed with a glamorous award ceremony where H.E. President Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria 1997-2002 presented His Excellency Jose Manuel Durão BARROSO, President of the European Commission with the CGDC AWARD 2013 for “ENHANCING MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AMONGST DIVERSE PEOPLE”. Mr. Felix BAUMGARTNER, world record holder for skydiving was honoured with the CGDC AWARD 2013 for “ENHANCING SPORT IN DIALOGUE”. “I am honoured to be chosen for the Center of Global Dialogue and Cooperation – CGDC 2013’s prize for “ENHANCING SPORT IN DIALOGUE”. I would like to thank the CGDC for giving me the opportunity to raise public awareness about the importance of each of us giving back to our communities and helping to inspire others to change the world. My record-breaking jump was only possible due unique opportunities, partners and privileges which I had. Without these, my jump would not have been possible. More than a year since my jump in October 2012, I realised that I could use this experience to inspire others to listen to me and achieve their dreams. I would like to dedicate this award and my legacy to helping others and inspiring positive change”.
Mr. Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev, President of OAO KK RussNeft was honoured with the CGDC AWARD 2013 for “ENHANCING INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE”. His Excellency, President Nursultan NAZARBAYEV, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan received the CGDC AWARD 2013 for “ENHANCING SOCIAL BUSINESS DIALOGUE” in abstentia.
All of the CGDC 2013 Awards recognise extraordinary individuals who have global progress in promoting global dialogue and cooperation to make a positive impact in the world.
President Bill Clinton was unable to attend the event as planned due to unforeseen circumstances and no further statement is available.
ABOUT THE CGDC – The Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation – CGDC is a politically independent, non-governmental organisation. At CGDC work is fuelled by an unfaltering faith in the power of dialogue and cooperation to create solutions and synergies towards sustainable development. The Founders are convinced that encouraging dialogue contributes to regional stability and economic growth. Therefore, the founders acknowledge the importance of supporting emerging countries in becoming more efficient, reliable and capable partners in Europe and worldwide. It is CGDC’s belief that cooperation and communication between business and politics must be based on ethical values such as honesty, transparency, responsibility and consideration for international laws and human rights. The CGDC Community fully engages the professional network, team, members and supporters in initiating positive change and strives to start this change on a personal level, reflect it and catalyse it to make it go global.
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CGDC Award 2013 Winner – Photo:
(1) Felix BAUMGARTNER, Skydiving World Record Holder
All photos © Andreas Tischler
Joanna Park-Tonks – Press officer
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